as i have been saying in previous posts i think we are in the end times of the bible and to keep a watch on the earth changes going on.
Friday, 28 September 2018
major earthquake 7.5 magnitude palu indonesia causes massive tsunami wave watch the video christian bible end times earth changes
there has been a major earthquake 7.5 magnitude in palu indonesia and caused a massive tsunami wave watch the video, there are many earthquakes all this morning into the day there ranging from 4 magnitude up to 7.5 magnitude, lots of earthquakes in the 5 magnitude range in palu indonesia.
as i have been saying in previous posts i think we are in the end times of the bible and to keep a watch on the earth changes going on.
as i have been saying in previous posts i think we are in the end times of the bible and to keep a watch on the earth changes going on.
Thursday, 27 September 2018
now off to buy some more lottery tickets sign of desperation i used to think playing the lottery
now off to buy some more lottery tickets sign of desperation i used to think playing the lottery, well it probably is a sign of desperation, but, for a few pounds it is probably worth a shot, you never know as the saying does, the euro millions is about 135 million this friday, which is mega money, so will get some tickets for that draw, and cross my fingers, would be life changing just to win 1 million, shame they cant lower the odds and make it easier to win like a million, instead of just one person or a few people winning big, i am getting desperate at life so will try the lottery, not that keen on the scratchcards though, prefer the main lotto draws over buying scratchcrads though, might buy one of those while i am at it as well, just think of all the things could do with a million pounds, i would be careful as well, not just waste it away carelessly like some winners have done, all what if's though have to win the thing first.
chunyi lin spring forest qigong words of wisdom, Not only breathing give us life, but also the quality of our breathing affects the quality of our lives. It is the major source of the energy that allows our body to function. This is how Chinese medicine understands breathing: When you inhale, the lungs get energy that is divided into three parts. The first part goes directly to the kidneys to help strengthen the life force. The second part goes to help digest the food we take in. The third part goes to help purify the blood. If the lungs get good energy it means every part of the body gets good energy too. Do you practice energy breathing my friends?
chunyi lin spring forest qigong words of wisdom, a few posts there from chunyi lin and qigongs ancient wisdom teachings to help heal the human body have a look through them to help your own bodies healing ability.
Not only breathing give us life, but also the quality of our breathing affects the quality of our lives. It is the major source of the energy that allows our body to function. This is how Chinese medicine understands breathing: When you inhale, the lungs get energy that is divided into three parts. The first part goes directly to the kidneys to help strengthen the life force. The second part goes to help digest the food we take in. The third part goes to help purify the blood. If the lungs get good energy it means every part of the body gets good energy too. Do you practice energy breathing my friends?
Not only breathing give us life, but also the quality of our breathing affects the quality of our lives. It is the major source of the energy that allows our body to function. This is how Chinese medicine understands breathing: When you inhale, the lungs get energy that is divided into three parts. The first part goes directly to the kidneys to help strengthen the life force. The second part goes to help digest the food we take in. The third part goes to help purify the blood. If the lungs get good energy it means every part of the body gets good energy too. Do you practice energy breathing my friends?
chunyi lin spring forest qigong words of wisdom Have you ever noticed that the leaves of autumn are the colors of the sun? As the life force is drawn back to the roots of Mother Nature's creation, so too, your vital energy does the same in preparation for winter. During the hot summer days you are keeping your body cool and eating cooling foods. The Qi, the vital life force in your body, expands yang energy outward and upward. In late summer, as in Indian summer, as we move into autumn, earth energy helps ground high yang energy in our small universe.
chunyi lin spring forest qigong words of wisdom,
Have you ever noticed that the leaves of autumn are the colors of the sun? As the life force is drawn back to the roots of Mother Nature's creation, so too, your vital energy does the same in preparation for winter. During the hot summer days you are keeping your body cool and eating cooling foods. The Qi, the vital life force in your body, expands yang energy outward and upward. In late summer, as in Indian summer, as we move into autumn, earth energy helps ground high yang energy in our small universe.
Have you ever noticed that the leaves of autumn are the colors of the sun? As the life force is drawn back to the roots of Mother Nature's creation, so too, your vital energy does the same in preparation for winter. During the hot summer days you are keeping your body cool and eating cooling foods. The Qi, the vital life force in your body, expands yang energy outward and upward. In late summer, as in Indian summer, as we move into autumn, earth energy helps ground high yang energy in our small universe.
chunyi lin spring forest qigong The metal element is associated with the harvest of the autumn season, of taking in and letting go. Metal corresponds to the lung and large intestine energy channels, the color white, and the emotions of sadness and contentment. Autumn is the time of examination and correction so that you harvest your deepest heart's desire that serve you well - that serve your life and this planet.
chunyi lin spring forest qigong The metal element is associated with the harvest of the autumn season, of taking in and letting go. Metal corresponds to the lung and large intestine energy channels, the color white, and the emotions of sadness and contentment. Autumn is the time of examination and correction so that you harvest your deepest heart's desire that serve you well - that serve your life and this planet.
chunyi lin spring forest qigong You can purify your energy by cultivating love energy through doing good deeds for others, showing kindness and practicing forgiveness. Doing all of these things with great compassion helps you see with greater awareness that there is no separation between people that we are all connected and all want the same things - less suffering and more joy. You can also use the tools of meditation and fasting to quiet your mind and go deeply within to cultivate this love and compassion.
chunyi lin spring forest qigong You can purify your energy by cultivating love energy through doing good deeds for others, showing kindness and practicing forgiveness. Doing all of these things with great compassion helps you see with greater awareness that there is no separation between people that we are all connected and all want the same things - less suffering and more joy. You can also use the tools of meditation and fasting to quiet your mind and go deeply within to cultivate this love and compassion.
chunyi lin spring forest qigong Qigong tells us that it is equally important to love yourself just as you love others. Every day we’re so busy with family, friends, and work and when we hear the word love the first thought that comes to mind to is to love others. I think that is beautiful, that is great. But hey, don’t forget, at the same time you need to love yourself.
chunyi lin spring forest qigong Qigong tells us that it is equally important to love yourself just as you love others. Every day we’re so busy with family, friends, and work and when we hear the word love the first thought that comes to mind to is to love others. I think that is beautiful, that is great. But hey, don’t forget, at the same time you need to love yourself.
chunyi lin spring forest qigong Sometimes people ask me if the SFQ healing techniques can be used on themselves. My answer is, Yes! It is a great idea to spend some time each day to do a healing for oneself. Simply visualize yourself in a chair or look at yourself in the mirror. The more neutral you can be when detecting any blockages and clearing them the better because the information will be more accurate and healing more efficient. Work on yourself without judgement or fear, and Love Yourself for the wonderful person that you are. Do you have any stories about self-healing that want to share?
chunyi lin spring forest qigong Sometimes people ask me if the SFQ healing techniques can be used on themselves. My answer is, Yes! It is a great idea to spend some time each day to do a healing for oneself. Simply visualize yourself in a chair or look at yourself in the mirror. The more neutral you can be when detecting any blockages and clearing them the better because the information will be more accurate and healing more efficient. Work on yourself without judgement or fear, and Love Yourself for the wonderful person that you are. Do you have any stories about self-healing that want to share?
chunyi lin spring forest qigong Moving into metal energy this autumn, you may feel you want to set the highest standards for yourself as well as honor and respect yourself and others. If energy is not balanced in the body an inner examination with unconditional love for self is not done, then sometimes people live in a sense of what could have been. When you move your energy each day, doing Qigong, you balance the yin and yang energy without you to be in harmony with yourself, others, and the seasons.
chunyi lin spring forest qigong Moving into metal energy this autumn, you may feel you want to set the highest standards for yourself as well as honor and respect yourself and others. If energy is not balanced in the body an inner examination with unconditional love for self is not done, then sometimes people live in a sense of what could have been. When you move your energy each day, doing Qigong, you balance the yin and yang energy without you to be in harmony with yourself, others, and the seasons.
chunyi lin spring forest qigong Let me share with you some Qi-Full Fall Foods. Try adding these to your diet. - Lotus Root - Lotus Leaves - Water Lily to calm down acidic heat in lungs - Pumpkins - Onions - Seaweed - especially Kelp - Lotus seeds - Pine nuts
chunyi lin spring forest qigong Let me share with you some Qi-Full Fall Foods. Try adding these to your diet. - Lotus Root - Lotus Leaves - Water Lily to calm down acidic heat in lungs - Pumpkins - Onions - Seaweed - especially Kelp - Lotus seeds - Pine nuts.
master chunyi lin spring forest qigong Here's simple tip to improve our energy at any time during the day. Drop your shoulders. That's it! When you drop your shoulders the energy from the head comes down to the heart and lower dantian. This helps us surrender to the heart. Try to observe your shoulders during the day and keep bringing them down. See if this makes a difference for you and share with all your family and friends.
master chunyi lin spring forest qigong Here's simple tip to improve our energy at any time during the day. Drop your shoulders. That's it! When you drop your shoulders the energy from the head comes down to the heart and lower dantian. This helps us surrender to the heart. Try to observe your shoulders during the day and keep bringing them down. See if this makes a difference for you and share with all your family and friends.
master chunyi lin spring forest qigong exercises I have a quick tea recipe to share with you today. This is good for improving immune function and over-all health. It can also be taken daily for health recovery after illness. American Ginseng and Chinese Dates Teas Ingredients: American Ginseng - 15gm (about fifteen slices) Chinese Red Dates - 3 Preparation: Rinse dates, cut open to remove pit and put in a pot with ginseng and 3 to 4 cups of water. It is best to let soak for 30 minutes before cooking so that the ingredients can be dehydrated first. Strain and serve tea while hot. Add honey if you wish.
master chunyi lin spring forest qigong exercises I have a quick tea recipe to share with you today. This is good for improving immune function and over-all health. It can also be taken daily for health recovery after illness. American Ginseng and Chinese Dates Teas Ingredients: American Ginseng - 15gm (about fifteen slices) Chinese Red Dates - 3 Preparation: Rinse dates, cut open to remove pit and put in a pot with ginseng and 3 to 4 cups of water. It is best to let soak for 30 minutes before cooking so that the ingredients can be dehydrated first. Strain and serve tea while hot. Add honey if you wish.
master chunyi lin spring forest qigong exercises How often should we meditate? It is always good, better or best. With such busy schedules, if you can meditate 1/2 to 1 hour a day that is great. If you sink into your heart, even small meditations that are 1 to 2 minutes can give you profound energy and clarity. Have you tried a meditation pick me up during the day? How do you feel afterwards?
master chunyi lin spring forest qigong exercises How often should we meditate? It is always good, better or best. With such busy schedules, if you can meditate 1/2 to 1 hour a day that is great. If you sink into your heart, even small meditations that are 1 to 2 minutes can give you profound energy and clarity. Have you tried a meditation pick me up during the day? How do you feel afterwards?
master chunyi lin spring forest qigong exercises When conflict happen, find your way back to your connection with the infinite source. Feel the peace in your heart. You don't need to allow yourself to get trapped in that situation. You have the power to choose anything to experience.
master chunyi lin spring forest qigong exercises When conflict happen, find your way back to your connection with the infinite source. Feel the peace in your heart. You don't need to allow yourself to get trapped in that situation. You have the power to choose anything to experience.
master chunyi lin spring forest qigong exercises Have you ever trained a puppy? When you want the puppy to learn to stay in one spot you train it with love, patience and persistence. Every time the puppy walks away you just gently and lovingly pick it up and bring it back to the spot. And just like that, we train our minds to focus during meditation. Try picking just one thing to focus on and bring your mind back to the present moment if it wonders away. Being able to focus for five seconds can have wonderful results!
master chunyi lin spring forest qigong exercises Have you ever trained a puppy? When you want the puppy to learn to stay in one spot you train it with love, patience and persistence. Every time the puppy walks away you just gently and lovingly pick it up and bring it back to the spot. And just like that, we train our minds to focus during meditation. Try picking just one thing to focus on and bring your mind back to the present moment if it wonders away. Being able to focus for five seconds can have wonderful results!
Lady Of The Flowing Waters Song by Robert Gass Lady of the shining star Lady of the moon light Lady of the dew wet dawn Lady of the twilight [Chorus:] The goddess is in everything In every form of nature The goddess is in everything In every form of beauty Lady of the flowing waters Lady of the mountain Lady of the flowering meadows Lady of the forest
Lady Of The Flowing Waters Song by Robert Gass Lady of the shining star Lady of the moon light Lady of the dew wet dawn Lady of the twilight [Chorus:] The goddess is in everything In every form of nature The goddess is in everything In every form of beauty Lady of the flowing waters Lady of the mountain Lady of the flowering meadows Lady of the forest.
Wednesday, 26 September 2018
master chunyi lin spring forest qigong exercises for health and back pain and knee pain etc the balancing of yin and yang energies in the human body for better physical health
master chunyi lin spring forest qigong exercises for health and back pain and knee pain etc, this masters teachings are well worth looking into to help and balance the yin and yang in the body, which is what he teaches gets out of balance and causes illness through energy blockages in the body, qigong the ancient chinese healing system is what he teaches, i also posted previously about another master that i think he trained under called master yan xin and his 9 step qigong healing method, great wealth of information has come out of china relating to balancing and thus healing the physical body.
Breathing of the Universe with Master Chunyi Lin - Spring Forest Qigong
Chunyi Lin's Meditation Secrets
Breathing of the Universe with Master Chunyi Lin - Spring Forest Qigong
Chunyi Lin's Meditation Secrets
tip to beating irritable bowel syndrome with fiber supplement psyllium husk capsules 2 to 3 before every meal
tip to beating irritable bowel syndrome with fiber supplement psyllium husk capsules 2 to 3 before every meal, this is spacing out the dosage of fibre through the day, rather then just taking psyllium husk fibre supplement at nighttime, try spacing it out through the day in small dosages.
this is why it is best to buy your fibre supplement in capsule form, it is a lot easier to deal with that way and easier to space out, if you try mixing the fiber supplement in water in a cup it is messy and does not work as well, as it does say just popping 2 to 3 capsules half a hour before every meal or time you eat.
try this method out as a ibs cure all technique, at the least it lessens the symptoms of ibs and makes it much easier going to the toilet, also try to eat more fiber rich foods like fruits and vegetables in the diet, i was trying a all meat diet before but this was no good and only made the ibs worse, so now i am back to eating lots of fiber but also adding in the fibre supplement as well, give this routine a try if you suffer with irritable bowel syndrome as it helps a lot and is well worth trying.
it is the matter of spacing the fibre dosage out throughout the day in small dosages so that it gets mixed with every meal, rather then just taking the fibre supplement at night time or even morning and night time which is better, but even better as a ibs cure all is to take the fibre supplement morning before breakfast and through the day before you eat other meals, so the fibre is broken up evenly throughout your body and digestion.
alot of people in this busy world now suffer with ibs which is a lot to do with bad rythyms inside this evenly spreading out of fibre really makes a difference to being a cure to ibs lets beat this awful condition for good.
this is why it is best to buy your fibre supplement in capsule form, it is a lot easier to deal with that way and easier to space out, if you try mixing the fiber supplement in water in a cup it is messy and does not work as well, as it does say just popping 2 to 3 capsules half a hour before every meal or time you eat.
try this method out as a ibs cure all technique, at the least it lessens the symptoms of ibs and makes it much easier going to the toilet, also try to eat more fiber rich foods like fruits and vegetables in the diet, i was trying a all meat diet before but this was no good and only made the ibs worse, so now i am back to eating lots of fiber but also adding in the fibre supplement as well, give this routine a try if you suffer with irritable bowel syndrome as it helps a lot and is well worth trying.
it is the matter of spacing the fibre dosage out throughout the day in small dosages so that it gets mixed with every meal, rather then just taking the fibre supplement at night time or even morning and night time which is better, but even better as a ibs cure all is to take the fibre supplement morning before breakfast and through the day before you eat other meals, so the fibre is broken up evenly throughout your body and digestion.
alot of people in this busy world now suffer with ibs which is a lot to do with bad rythyms inside this evenly spreading out of fibre really makes a difference to being a cure to ibs lets beat this awful condition for good.
bought another lottery ticket worth a try a million or so would be life changing gods of luck blessings on these tickets
bought another lottery ticket worth a try a million or so would be life changing, just bought 2 tickets, going to try the lottery each week, money makes the world go around and so that is the situation we live in, money does make a big difference to life choices and what you can do in this world, i find life is hampered due money.
that is the system the elite have set up, they can have there cake and eat it, due to there wealth whereas us without much money cannot have our cake and eat it as the saying goes, so we can try with things like the lottery though the odds of winning are astronomical it is still worth a try to diversify a little money each week into something like that, you never know as that saying goes also.
worth a try it would be life changing if i could win a decent amount on the lottery, someone has to win as another saying goes, so i am going to give the lottery a go each week and see if i can get lucky or not so much lucky maybe you can tempt the fate of the gods and they might deem me worthy and get a win that way, who knows how it works just hope it works for me, is a sign of being desperate playing the lottery.
though i would be a worthy winner :) as i can think of lots of things i could do in this boring world, it would not be as boring with a lottery win, would be able to do more with my life then just sitting watching youtube all day that is for sure.
that is the system the elite have set up, they can have there cake and eat it, due to there wealth whereas us without much money cannot have our cake and eat it as the saying goes, so we can try with things like the lottery though the odds of winning are astronomical it is still worth a try to diversify a little money each week into something like that, you never know as that saying goes also.
worth a try it would be life changing if i could win a decent amount on the lottery, someone has to win as another saying goes, so i am going to give the lottery a go each week and see if i can get lucky or not so much lucky maybe you can tempt the fate of the gods and they might deem me worthy and get a win that way, who knows how it works just hope it works for me, is a sign of being desperate playing the lottery.
though i would be a worthy winner :) as i can think of lots of things i could do in this boring world, it would not be as boring with a lottery win, would be able to do more with my life then just sitting watching youtube all day that is for sure.
we all come from the goddess song And to her we shall return. Like a drop of rain. Falling to the ocean. Isis, Astarte, Diana, Hecate, Demeter, Kali pagan goddess song
we all come from the goddess song And to her we shall return. Like a drop of rain. Falling to the ocean. Isis, Astarte, Diana, Hecate, Demeter, Kali, below is a really good version of this classic pagan goddess song.
Monday, 24 September 2018
found this garden of eden christian type picture with the serpent/satan and apples was satan female?
found this garden of eden type picture with the serpent/satan and apples, some people say that veganism has links to satanism or satan, whereas in the past your traditional christian just ate a balanced diet, ow there is a like a new religion for some with the vegan lifestyle, who knows, i know i have changed my diet up again, trying to eat a varied diet and get some fiber in there as well, stopped my meat only diet experiment, didnt seem to be working and made my ibs irritable bowel syndrome worse, what do you think to the picture i will see if i can find some more, da13thsun promotes eating only natural.
though da13thsun says veganism is a cult, he eats very much that way, funny old world all the different choices nowadays, i think we are in the end times spoken of in the bible, not sure how important diet is in spirituality sure you want to eat as healthy as possible though, fibre is important just to help the bowels and stomach and colon to move the food through the digestive system, see if i can find another picture to go with this one.
another thing was satan a woman being the most beautiful angel and gods favourite angel and tempting jesus christ in the desert.
though da13thsun says veganism is a cult, he eats very much that way, funny old world all the different choices nowadays, i think we are in the end times spoken of in the bible, not sure how important diet is in spirituality sure you want to eat as healthy as possible though, fibre is important just to help the bowels and stomach and colon to move the food through the digestive system, see if i can find another picture to go with this one.
another thing was satan a woman being the most beautiful angel and gods favourite angel and tempting jesus christ in the desert.
phil heath mr olympia 2018 result second place, gifted documentary
phil heath mr olympia 2018 result second place, this is a good documentary for any phil heath fans to watch the gifted documentary i am a bit of a bodybuilding fan so just started watching this help pass a hour in this boring world at least, spend most of time trying to find something new to watch on youtube, dont have a tv so mostly watch anything i can find youtube. this is a older documentary also has jay cutler in it as well.
New Mr Olympia Shawn Flexatron Rhoden Winning Mr.Olympia 2018
Little mini documentary on New Mr Olympia Shawn Flexatron Rhoden Winning Mr.Olympia 2018, phil heath did not look too happy this year wonder if he will be back next year.
Kung Fu Master YanXin
Kung Fu Master YanXin, this is a different person to qigong master yan xin, who i posted about previously, two different masters from china with the same name though both great in there own rights.
Tuesday, 18 September 2018
new storm approaching the uk called storm ali 2018
new storm approaching the uk called storm ali 2018, this is following current storm helene, the weather people are predicting storm ali could have winds up to 80mph and also lots of rain, to start with around northern ireland and parts of scotland.
Monday, 17 September 2018
diet to stop ibs meat only so far so good zero carbohydrates and sugar i think it is carbs and sugar that cause ibs symptoms
what i am eating on this diet is zero carbs and only meat to try and cure my ibs, this includes meat like chicken, beef, lamb, also fish, eggs and some milk with tea and coffee, no juices or fruits and vegetables because they have carbs in them like sugar.
i am about 5 days into eating like this and my bloating has gone down, i put the bloating down to the carbohydrates and sugars, so i will keep eating like this and see how it goes.
takes some getting used to though.
i am about 5 days into eating like this and my bloating has gone down, i put the bloating down to the carbohydrates and sugars, so i will keep eating like this and see how it goes.
takes some getting used to though.
the uk has a storm on the way called storm helene 2018 weird weather are we in the biblical end times of the bible?
the uk has a storm on the way called storm helene 2018, lots of storms so far this week with storms in the usa and the philippines which is moving onto china.
the storm helene is not as severe as the previous mega storms, but the Met Office has issued weather warnings for storm helene with predicted 70 mph winds and rainfall, a lot of christians think there is something biblical going on with the weather and that we are in the end times of the bible
the storm helene is not as severe as the previous mega storms, but the Met Office has issued weather warnings for storm helene with predicted 70 mph winds and rainfall, a lot of christians think there is something biblical going on with the weather and that we are in the end times of the bible
meat only diet to cure ibs
meat only diet to cure ibs, we are all told to eat lots of fibre to cure ibs but it doesnt due to all the carbs, i am trying a carnivore diet to cure my ibs, with a zero carb diet, just eating meat like, beef, chicken and fish.
so far this has relaxed my insides and calmed down the bloating and gas you get from carbohydrates, vegans will probably say you cannot eat a meat only, but so far it is working for me and has calmed my irritable bowel syndrome right down, just can be expensive eating only meats.
so far this has relaxed my insides and calmed down the bloating and gas you get from carbohydrates, vegans will probably say you cannot eat a meat only, but so far it is working for me and has calmed my irritable bowel syndrome right down, just can be expensive eating only meats.
earthquakes storms and the bible end times
there seems to have been alot of earthquakes this last year, and this is one of the signs from the bible that we are in the end times, the bible talks a lot about earthquakes in diverse places ithink from memory and that is what we are getting.
also the storms are tied into this as well, so it would be earthquakes and storms, and america and the philippines have just had some of the biggest storms, earthquakes and storms have to do with the earths thermal cycle moving around.
which is causing all these earth changes, so 2012 end times disaster might seem along time ago and things have moved on, but the weather seems to be getting wilder with storms and earthquakes and that is the signs that we need to be looking at all the earthquakes in diverse places countries all around the world.
also the storms are tied into this as well, so it would be earthquakes and storms, and america and the philippines have just had some of the biggest storms, earthquakes and storms have to do with the earths thermal cycle moving around.
which is causing all these earth changes, so 2012 end times disaster might seem along time ago and things have moved on, but the weather seems to be getting wilder with storms and earthquakes and that is the signs that we need to be looking at all the earthquakes in diverse places countries all around the world.
Immune vs Exemptions Tru Moors 9.13 Back on April 21, 2017 Gregorian Calendar, Walking to Market in Ybor City. Speaking on Tru Moors and Yahushua HaMashiach aka Christ
Immune vs Exemptions Tru Moors 9.13 Back on April 21, 2017 Gregorian Calendar, Walking to Market in Ybor City. Speaking on Tru Moors and Yahushua HaMashiach aka Christ.
mr olympia 2018 final winner shawn rhoden phil heath loses his mr olympia crown
mr olympia 2018 final winner shawn rhoden phil heath loses his mr olympia crown.
Sunday, 16 September 2018
Tommy Robinson & Ezra Levant EXCLUSIVE interview on his Prison Treatment
Tommy Robinson & Ezra Levant EXCLUSIVE interview on his Prison Treatment
Thursday, 13 September 2018
Earthquakes and Hurricane Florence and Typhoon Mangkhut christian end times and the wrath of God?
Earthquakes and Hurricane Florence and Typhoon Mangkhut christian end times and the wrath of God?, what is going on with the world at the moment makes me wonder if we are in the christian end times as spoken of in the bible.
lots of weird weather and earthquakes these last few months, some have said there has been unprecedented levels of earthquakes over the last few months.
we will have to see how bad the Hurricane Florence and Typhoon Mangkhut get.
lots of weird weather and earthquakes these last few months, some have said there has been unprecedented levels of earthquakes over the last few months.
we will have to see how bad the Hurricane Florence and Typhoon Mangkhut get.
what does Unknown Region in Pageviews by Countries mean?
just been seeing this when looking at webstats on google blogger, have not seen this before, anyone know what does the Unknown Region in Pageviews by Countries mean?.
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are we in the end times of the bible 2 california earthquakes 6.4 followed by 7.1 magnitude today and lots of aftershocks
are we in the end times of the bible 2 california earthquakes 6.4 followed by 7.1 magnitude today and lots of aftershocks, so far californi...
some more of yan xin qigong and the nine step method from this ancient chinese healing system called qigong, yan xin is also famous for hea...
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