Thursday 27 September 2018

chunyi lin spring forest qigong words of wisdom Have you ever noticed that the leaves of autumn are the colors of the sun? As the life force is drawn back to the roots of Mother Nature's creation, so too, your vital energy does the same in preparation for winter. During the hot summer days you are keeping your body cool and eating cooling foods. The Qi, the vital life force in your body, expands yang energy outward and upward. In late summer, as in Indian summer, as we move into autumn, earth energy helps ground high yang energy in our small universe.

chunyi lin spring forest qigong words of wisdom,

Have you ever noticed that the leaves of autumn are the colors of the sun? As the life force is drawn back to the roots of Mother Nature's creation, so too, your vital energy does the same in preparation for winter. During the hot summer days you are keeping your body cool and eating cooling foods. The Qi, the vital life force in your body, expands yang energy outward and upward. In late summer, as in Indian summer, as we move into autumn, earth energy helps ground high yang energy in our small universe.

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