Monday 24 September 2018

found this garden of eden christian type picture with the serpent/satan and apples was satan female?

found this garden of eden type picture with the serpent/satan and apples, some people say that veganism has links to satanism or satan, whereas in the past your traditional christian just ate a balanced diet, ow there is a like a new religion for some with the vegan lifestyle, who knows, i know i have changed my diet up again, trying to eat a varied diet and get some fiber in there as well, stopped my meat only diet experiment, didnt seem to be working and  made my ibs irritable bowel syndrome worse, what do you think to the picture i will see if i can find some more, da13thsun promotes eating only natural.

though da13thsun says veganism is a cult, he eats very much that way, funny old world all the different choices nowadays, i think we are in the end times spoken of in the bible, not sure  how important diet is in spirituality sure you want to eat as healthy as possible though, fibre is important just to help the bowels and stomach and colon to move the food through the digestive system, see if i can find another picture to go with this one.

another thing was satan a woman being the most beautiful angel and gods favourite angel and tempting jesus christ in the desert.

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are we in the end times of the bible 2 california earthquakes 6.4 followed by 7.1 magnitude today and lots of aftershocks

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