Thursday 27 September 2018

master chunyi lin spring forest qigong exercises Have you ever trained a puppy? When you want the puppy to learn to stay in one spot you train it with love, patience and persistence. Every time the puppy walks away you just gently and lovingly pick it up and bring it back to the spot. And just like that, we train our minds to focus during meditation. Try picking just one thing to focus on and bring your mind back to the present moment if it wonders away. Being able to focus for five seconds can have wonderful results!

master chunyi lin spring forest qigong exercises Have you ever trained a puppy? When you want the puppy to learn to stay in one spot you train it with love, patience and persistence. Every time the puppy walks away you just gently and lovingly pick it up and bring it back to the spot. And just like that, we train our minds to focus during meditation. Try picking just one thing to focus on and bring your mind back to the present moment if it wonders away. Being able to focus for five seconds can have wonderful results!

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are we in the end times of the bible 2 california earthquakes 6.4 followed by 7.1 magnitude today and lots of aftershocks

are we in the end times of the bible 2 california earthquakes 6.4 followed by 7.1 magnitude today and  lots of aftershocks, so far californi...