Monday 28 January 2019

fruit and nuts vegan diet for ibs cure

fruit and nuts vegan diet for ibs cure, give it a try after  a few days you are more regular on a morning, is a bit boring though miss the whole food.

Wednesday 23 January 2019

more old pagan songs i am listening to Woman Of The Earth (Spiral Dance -From the Mist: A Retrospective) lyrics Also on the album "Woman of the Earth" I am a woman of the earth and I stand between the sea and the sand I guide the sun at each days birth, I hold the moon in my right hand I am the nimbus in your sky, look through the crystal, see me fly I am the lady of the lake, touch the sword feel the earth shake And we'll walk the paths that the old ones walk And we'll dance the dances they taught us And we'll sing the songs that the old ones sang For the magick now has caught us.

more old pagan songs i am listening to Woman Of The Earth (Spiral Dance -From the Mist: A Retrospective).


Also on the album  "Woman of the Earth" 

I am a woman of the earth and I stand between the sea and the sand I guide the sun at each days birth, I hold the moon in my right hand I am the nimbus in your sky, look through the crystal, see me fly I am the lady of the lake, touch the sword feel the earth shake And we'll walk the paths that the old ones walk And we'll dance the dances they taught us And we'll sing the songs that the old ones sang For the magick now has caught us.

It's in the forest where the wild wolf hides, she waits for the pull of the new spring tides And the call of the young horned man, she'll lie and mate with the rhythm of the land And the spells she'll cast into the night, a spiral dance, a mid-summer rite She'll kindle wood, light the fire, draw the circle, evoke desire And she'll walk the path that the old ones walk And she'll dance the dances they taught her And she'll sing the songs that the old ones sang for the magick now has caught her Throw the stones, read the runes, feel the power, draw down the moon Rowan, Oak and Hawthorn tree, in the scrying bowl we see Fire, water, earth and air, this ancient wisdom that we share Look to the moon, seek the find, here is the power of woman kind Come walk the paths that the old ones walk, come dance the dances they taught us Come sing the songs that the old ones sang, for the magick now has caught us Spiral Dance's homepage is

lilith lilly Temple of the Moon Goddess de Heretix Brian Abbott: guitarra eléctrica, guitarra acustica y teclado. Jackie Juno: vocales, flauta, percusión y letra. goddess worship music wicca wiccan moon music wiccan god and goddess.

lilith lilly Temple of the Moon Goddess de Heretix Brian Abbott: guitarra eléctrica, guitarra acustica y teclado. Jackie Juno: vocales, flauta, percusión y letra. goddess worship music wicca wiccan moon music wiccan god and goddess.

Lilith (/ˈlɪlɪθ/; Hebrew: לִילִית‎ Lîlîṯ) is a figure in Jewish mythology, Lilith may be linked in part to a historically earlier class of female demons (lilītu) in ancient Mesopotamian religion, found in cuneiform texts of Sumer, the Akkadian Empire, Assyria, and Babylonia.

ancient serpent wisdom 2012 or is it 2020 the real date of mayan christian biblical end times, something to ponder.

this is a interesting piece  of music, enjoy!.

Tuesday 22 January 2019

da13thsun Poison Foods & Snacks you eat with MSG, Corn Syrup, Aspartame, etc what do you eat and put inside your temple candy is not food speaking on bad foods that you consume on a daily basis along with fluoride and dental visits be vegan eat fruits and vegetables or just fruits to get closer to elohim your creator

da13thsun Poison Foods & Snacks you eat with MSG, Corn Syrup, Aspartame, etc what do you eat and put inside your temple candy is not food speaking on bad foods that you consume on a daily basis along with fluoride and dental visits be vegan eat fruits and vegetables or just fruits to get closer to elohim your creator.

Wednesday 16 January 2019


all round one of  the  best full body exercises is  deadlifts, that is  all  i am  mostly doing in my training at the moment, not max deadlifts, but deadlifts for reps.

doing sets  of between 10 and 12 reps for a full body workout from just one exercise, deadlifts is probably the only exercise that trains the whole body  at once, well worth trying  if you havnt just dont do them too heavy.

start out light  and do them for reps to avoid injury, as deadlifts puts a lot of stress on  the body.

so work up carefully and get to a weight  where you can do 10 to 12 reps.

always use good and proper lifting form, and have a go at deadlift only workouts and see how your body responds to this kind of weight training, good for bodybuilding.

Monday 14 January 2019

Da13thsun 13 vibrations crash course light beings training light shining on you get back to nature don't use crystals are new age how to raise your vibrations dont go back turn the page instead 13 vibrations big amma mama to help people remember what most have forgot & got off their Righteous Path of 13Vibrations for Earth 13Rebirth coming up.

Da13thsun 13 vibrations crash course light  beings training light shining on you get back to nature don't use crystals are new age how to raise your vibrations dont go back turn the page instead 13 vibrations big amma mama to help people remember what most have forgot & got off their Righteous Path of 13Vibrations for Earth 13Rebirth coming up. 

programs for the design of each being, everything got programs like a computer, we have viruses, have to get clear of viruses which is bad dna, eating  bad foods, is a virus  as well, eating natural is the right  way, raise back up vibrations to 13.

Wholly Holy Way Rickie Byers Beckwith song Wholly Way

Wholly Holy Way Rickie Byers Beckwith song Wholly Way

New Video Master Chunyi Lin internationally Recognized Qigong Master & Healer, EveryThing Is Energy

New Video Master Chunyi Lin internationally Recognized Qigong Master & Healer, EveryThing Is Energy

Wednesday 9 January 2019

found this image of the goddess world tree some say this is what the higher reality is like very beautiful picture sophia

found this image of the goddess world tree some say this is what the higher reality is like very beautiful picture sophia.

amazing if there really is a goddess around us like this, with the  world tree.

some people say we live  on a  flat earth, not sure what i believe though whether the earth is round or flat, in the image would be the  green chakra the goddess is  holding.

well its a thought anyway :)

supergirl comic image inspiration to succeed with all your 2019 new years resolutions breaking the chains that bind in life and our daily struggles in general for my 200th blogger blog post

supergirl comic image inspiration to succeed with all your 2019 new years resolutions breaking the chains that bind in life and our daily struggles in general, gone with this inspirational image for my 200th blogger blog post.

kind of gone with a new years  theme and breaking all the chains and obstacles to have a better year this year, thought  it apt for my 200th post to go with a new years resolutions  theme, have a happy year everyone, and if you find this blog post god bless.

what should i do for the 200th blogger post i wonder

i did supergirl for the 100th post if i remember correctly so just wondering what i should do to celebrate hitting 200 blog posts, that is a difficult decision, could do supergirl again, like a sort of continuation to the theme, for my lack of imagination  and ability to come up with something new.

just having a coffee at the moment trying to decide, and the 200th blogger post is???...

nearly at 200 blog posts on my blog

some are  better then  others, but at nearly 200 blog posts, that is quite  a achievement though it does not get much internet traffic, the internet is so awash with contest on websites, that you dont get much traffic anymore only the really popular sites and  internet wizz kids seems to get all the traffic.

oh well this is a like talking  to myself, and a form of therapy sometimes, so i continue here and there with more posts, some more meaningful than others, if you are  lucky enough to find and  read this post then hello to you, and  god bless.

famous new years resolutions getting fit and healthy through exercise in 2019

famous new years resolutions getting healthy in 2019, how many people will have had this new years resolution, i guess a lot of people, me too, i am in the  club, have to try and start up my exercising again, always difficult to start again though.

my lower back has got very weak from sitting  around  all the time, so i need to start deadlifting again, have to be careful though not to get injured, always start out light and use proper form, and work your way back in with lifting  gently. as it takes a while to get back previous fitness.

and you are more prone to injury when starting back out,  as  that can put paid to a lot of new years resolutions, a injury, there will be many who have good intentions to get back in shape in 2019 but fall at the first hurdle  due to injury.

so make sure you start out carefully, and follow proper fitness or bodybuilding protocols when  starting  a fresh, no need to  be  getting injured if you are careful to start with.

quit smoking 2019

something i will really need to try and  do is quit smoking at some point, i am quite lonely and have  a lot of time on my hands, so smoking is one of my few friends so to speak, but terrible for health in the long run.

if you cannot quit smoking at least try and reduce the amount you smoke i find that makes a difference, here is a crazy idea, write a blog post everytime you want a cigarette, or not, just a crazy idea that popped into my head.

one good thing if you are not  a smoker, do not start in the first place, because once you start it is very difficult to quit, a terrible addiction is smoking.

this blog is limited because i am not a prolific writer and have ideas all the time like some do but i do my best with it

this blog is limited  because i am not a prolific writer and have ideas all the time  like some do but i do my best with it, now in 2019, and what is ahead of us is much of the same, though for all i know 2019 might  be a interesting year, i hope it is better then last year, as that was quite a bad year for me,  and to keep on living any kind of life i am crying out for improvement, like many others are also, thinngs need to change for the better for everyone.

hopefully 2019 will be the start of a more spiritual life of fun and good health and creativity, positive thoughts, are needed, life cannot get any worse it can  only get better, that is a positive way of thinking, lets wish and hope for a more positive  year and for better things to start to happen in  our lives.

the goddess sophia, or goddess of many names created reality and us

the goddess sophia, or goddess of many names  created reality and us, as a great  energy before the big bang was the perfect goddess who  decided to create all that is, the trouble is now we suffer and live in this far from imperfect world, in some ways or  a lot of ways i wish sophia or the goddess of all had not chose to create and we would of been in eternal bliss rather then a world like this.

i have a bit of everything on this blog trying to navigate this world via youtube videos because i have a lot of spare time and so watch many different things

i have a bit of everything on this blog trying to navigate this world via youtube videos  because i have a lot of spare time and so watch many different things, if you wondered why this blog is all over the place, just finding things to do with my time in this life is very difficult, and so i need distractions and interesting videos, so i aint just sat here wondering what life is all about or isnt all the time, it can be a very very dull and boring life, hopefully things will change for the better in 2019 and a new hope for a change around to the dull and boring which so far has seemed to prevail in my life.

Thursday 3 January 2019

The Ultimate Warrior Workout Video from the 1990's oldskool training to get you in shape for 2019 remember those new years eve resolutions

The Ultimate Warrior Workout Video from the 1990's oldskool training to get you in shape for 2019 remember those new years eve resolutions, rare video worth watching.

Tuesday 1 January 2019

da13thsun Who is THE creator, The Most High is THE, 2020 is the real 2012 the trumpets and horns are playing, the rain makes everything grow quickening states, your body is earth ye are gods children, da or the most high els or el elohim Donations TLC; Speaking on THE which means EL or AL as in THE MERCIFUL ONE, Also speaking on Earth changes and humanity changing from being LAWLESS & being overtaken by Demons from Tar Pit along with other Jewels 13love

da13thsun Who is THE creator, The Most High is THE, 2020 is the real 2012 the trumpets and horns are playing, the rain makes everything grow quickening states, your body is earth ye are gods children, da or the most high els or el elohim. Donations TLC; Speaking on THE which means EL or AL as in THE MERCIFUL ONE, Also speaking on Earth changes and humanity changing from being LAWLESS & being overtaken by Demons from Tar Pit along with other Jewels 13love

are we in the end times of the bible 2 california earthquakes 6.4 followed by 7.1 magnitude today and lots of aftershocks

are we in the end times of the bible 2 california earthquakes 6.4 followed by 7.1 magnitude today and  lots of aftershocks, so far californi...