Wednesday 9 January 2019

famous new years resolutions getting fit and healthy through exercise in 2019

famous new years resolutions getting healthy in 2019, how many people will have had this new years resolution, i guess a lot of people, me too, i am in the  club, have to try and start up my exercising again, always difficult to start again though.

my lower back has got very weak from sitting  around  all the time, so i need to start deadlifting again, have to be careful though not to get injured, always start out light and use proper form, and work your way back in with lifting  gently. as it takes a while to get back previous fitness.

and you are more prone to injury when starting back out,  as  that can put paid to a lot of new years resolutions, a injury, there will be many who have good intentions to get back in shape in 2019 but fall at the first hurdle  due to injury.

so make sure you start out carefully, and follow proper fitness or bodybuilding protocols when  starting  a fresh, no need to  be  getting injured if you are careful to start with.

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