Wednesday 16 January 2019


all round one of  the  best full body exercises is  deadlifts, that is  all  i am  mostly doing in my training at the moment, not max deadlifts, but deadlifts for reps.

doing sets  of between 10 and 12 reps for a full body workout from just one exercise, deadlifts is probably the only exercise that trains the whole body  at once, well worth trying  if you havnt just dont do them too heavy.

start out light  and do them for reps to avoid injury, as deadlifts puts a lot of stress on  the body.

so work up carefully and get to a weight  where you can do 10 to 12 reps.

always use good and proper lifting form, and have a go at deadlift only workouts and see how your body responds to this kind of weight training, good for bodybuilding.

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