Thursday 11 April 2019

finished with lat pulldowns simple workout deadlifts and lat pull downs

finished with lat pulldowns simple workout deadlifts  and lat pull downs, cant do much more, hopefully this is the start of me  training again, i used  to train all the time that way it gave me something to do with my time, otherwise not much to do, watching youtube all day, so will see if i can get another workout in a few days  time or there abouts got to have something to do in this dull boring life, not much happening or to do all the time.

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are we in the end times of the bible 2 california earthquakes 6.4 followed by 7.1 magnitude today and lots of aftershocks

are we in the end times of the bible 2 california earthquakes 6.4 followed by 7.1 magnitude today and  lots of aftershocks, so far californi...