Monday 1 October 2018

continued earthquake and tsunami new zealand warnings for the christian end times of the bible the matrix traveller

continued earthquake and tsunami new zealand warnings for the christian end times of the bible the matrix traveller, warned of there being a swarm of earthquakes in new zealand at the end times as written about in the bible, at the moment the swarm is in indonesia, but this could soon happen to new zealand at any time as well which is earthquake prone.

The Older Trench is Not shown in articles on the Net. I don't really know why..   :(

But it is plain to see where it is and have marked it on this map...

And I do know this is being monitored by scientist.

You can see where the Older Trench passes between the North and South Islands through Cook Strait.
And this is where these Earthquakes are taking place.

The Mountains in the North Islands are vents to the Older Trench.

I Also know our so called Global temperature rise is to so with the Earths natural Thermal Cycles.

I also understand this Activity involving the Earths Pates is nothing new.

From what I now the Seas change their location from time to time from being above the Earths crust
to under the Earths crust and back again in a Cycle which is controlled via thermodynamics.

And that this phenomena takes place on many planets. (Such as Mars)

The Water on Mars did not escape its atmosphere but rather the bulk of its water is under the surface
of Mars at present.

I understand this "changeover" has something to do with recycling or regeneration of the surface
of planets.

The length of any "one cycle" also changes, but I don't pretend to understand it all.

Perhaps what was recorded about Noah's flood involved such an event involving the waters to
come from under the Earths crust via these Trenches to be above the Earth surface as we have today.

I remember that it is recorded biblically that the in The Genesis Ch. 8 verse 2. Quote;

2. The fountains also of the deep
and the windows of heaven were stopped,
and the rain from heaven was restrained;

I think you will find that water was shot upward, from the open Trenches into our atmosphere
and came down as rain !   :)

This time though, the Water shall return to under the Earths crust again where it came from
before the "Great Flood".

So I understand that this is NOT the time of the so called "End", but rather the beginningof another 1,000 Years for some, with The SON of MAN, as it tells us in biblical writings
no matter what Version we look at.

But the Son of MAN is NOT human, but instead is a Title given to the Drawing I released above
in this thread, which I refer to as the "Partition Map" of the Souls "Processing System".

If I am Correct, most of what will come out of all this, will be a greater knowledge of our Environment,
as well as our New human form.

I will try and find a map and show the affected areas in Wellington I saw during "Remote Viewing".

It involves Huge "Sink Holes" some Km across and more than a 50 metres deep, perhaps more like
100 metres deep in one of them, which appeared as a result of a very large earth quake... 
9.5 came to mind during the event I saw through "Remote Viewing".

Strange thing is.. that the area is on Rock of various types, some very crumbly, other areas like granite
but I am certainly no geologist. I might be able to dig something up though with a little research.

I have now lived with this knowledge for some years and what has happened so far is like a Déjà vu
and has definitely got my attention now.

But NOTE what Z has said in this thread, regarding "Remote Viewing" which I agree with 100% !

So the Event must NOT be seen as a "prediction"... But ONLY something I saw.

I Pray that it doesn't happen, But....... I just feel so helpless in that I can't do anything.... Except Watch !

As I said don't treat this as a prediction.

Here are the approximate, locations and sizes, but I may be being conservative to the undersize
size of what I saw.

The Road tunnel passes between where the sink Holes appeared see map.

I viewed the event from the northern end of the tunnel from one of the flyovers over the motorway.

When I started viewing I thought what a beautiful sunny day it was, then suddenly all hell let loose.

The earthquake started und the ground collapsed in the area of the 1st "Sink Hole",
marked on the map below.

After the 1st tremor, a second larger area involving the down town area and more, collapsed
leaving a 2nd "Sink Hole" and the sea flowed into the 2nd "Sink Hole".

Note the Scale at the bottom left of the map.

I got the impression that there had been a subsidence of the sea floor involving the old "Trench"
and the "Sink Holes" were connected to this event somehow...

After the event many were evacuated out of NZ but I stayed behind and it was many months after this,
the world wide evens took place, involving the relocation of the Seas.

There was much I saw, which took place between these two events, (The Wellington episode
and the relocation of the seas, which I saw take place right across the Earth.

As for myself, I saw everything take place and have also seen the new Earth which is much different
than what you see at present. I have seen it both from the surface of the Earth as well as from space.

There were NO seas, only some lakes scattered around, and NO cities were visible nor any sign of human activity.

Neither was there any sign at all, of the old Earth. The Earth had been transformed.

But hey I saw this through, what others refer to as "Remote Viewing" and fully Conscious throughout.

So like what Z wrote, regarding "Remote Viewing", which I agree with 100%

And I only observe these things and see them for what they are, as what others refer to as
"Remote Viewing".

I got over my own fear of the possibility of it occurring, its just that I don't want to experience
the pain of seeing others suffer once again as I saw through "Remote Viewing".

It was sufficient to get the message, and NOT put trust in my "flesh", but instead
Put all my trust in LIFE.   ;)

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are we in the end times of the bible 2 california earthquakes 6.4 followed by 7.1 magnitude today and lots of aftershocks

are we in the end times of the bible 2 california earthquakes 6.4 followed by 7.1 magnitude today and  lots of aftershocks, so far californi...