Saturday 3 February 2018

fruit and vegetables and olive oil and probiotics to cleanse the body of energetic parasites and ibs

i am finding that  fruit and vegetables and olive  oil in the veg stir fry's plenty of olive oil, and the use of probiotics to cleanse the body of astral energetic parasites and ibs, this is working for me so far, granted you won't build much muscle eating like this that is a sacrifice, but this kind of diet will get you thin, but the good thing is you get  a lot of vitamins and minerals from the fruit and veg.

this kind of eating helps repair the energy body and bodies system, you will find your inflammation go down eating like this, this is the protocol i have worked out for healing and repairing thebody from inside out, and getting rid of parasites as well, but you have do it for weeks and see how you feel.

mostly focus on vegetable  stir fry's but do not over cook them you  want the  veg to still be crunchy, to maintain as much  as the nutrients and vitamins and minerals that way. this is how i believe a mythical character like  supergirl or superman would eat or any of the mythical superheroes for that matter.

you got to eat clean to shake off those chains and  pains!.

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