Wednesday 31 January 2018

how to clear off astral energetic parasites that get onto the human etheric energy body

this is something that i think effects lots of people but most people do not know or realise they are getting energy drained by astral or energetic parasites, one of the best  ways i have  found  is diet.

eating mostly fruit and vegetable  diet to try and repair and reboot the human energy body, all the junk food only helps the energetic parasites, all the sugar  laden food and drinks are no good for the  subtle energy body.

this is quite a short  post but leave a comment if you  have a question and i will answer it, but a good start at being clear of these parasites is to eat mostly just fruits and vegetable, honey and lemon drink can be good also as one example of something to help heal.

i am on mostly vegetable stir frys and fruit at the moment.

train for the fun of it not to look like the impossible like we see nowadays

just another pet hate why not train for the fun of it, and not with the idea of looking like the impossible like we see with how some people manage  to get themselves to look, but really what do they do to get to that kind  of look, so i call it the impossible idea or ideal,if  you have others looks in mind.

better just to train for the  fun of it and in  moderation, going to the  gym can be a lot of fun or some fun at least and that is the best goal to have in mind not other goals that are impossible to reach and only end up leaving oneself disappointed in the long run.

let's  be  realistic this is not possible, they use all kind of tricks to look this  way, train for fun not for  trying to look the impossible.

time to go out into dark cloud filled rainy skies and wet sludgy streets

uk weather for you if you live somewhere sunny then i think  you have been blessed, the uk is nearly dark and dingy skies and weather for 12 months of the year gets kind of depressing  and boring after a while.

end  up with a dull life just like the weather, dull and the same all the time, no variety at all.

if i could be reincarnated it wouldbe in a warm country. try bloggin if you are stressed as a way to relieve stress, take it out on the keyboard and eat lots of healthy food to boost your energy body.

if your wondering what is bitcoin and cryptocurrency guess what i am too

i am not interested in bitcoin and cryptocurrency feels too risky, don't have money to play around with either, lot of rich people  have money to play around with and can put money into those kinds of things, for me i can't.

and this is not a blog about that either, its just more strain on the membranes, to even look into, all that kind of thing i just don't have the patience or membranes for any of it, so why worry about it, another thing to the memory dustbin for me.

well if  your rich  and have money to play around with you might want to do those kind of things for me, i will take the easy option and not even work it out, i would rather complain about all these things then try and work them out anymore.

not rich just bored, because you need money not to be bored and i dont really have any so i am stuck being bored for the time being and complaining on this blog when i can for stress relief, get a blog and vent your frustrations now there is a idea, and you might even get some readers if you do 1000's of posts and spend  all your life sat at a laptop  typing away, at least your hands get some exercise i guess.

where art thogh sophia goddess of wisdom bring light into this world of darkness

could do with the light of sophia the goddess of wisdom to shine down upon me in these dark boring times, get a upgrade of some inspiration to think of more things to fill time in with and things to do in life there is not a whole lot to do at  the moment is it the same for you out there?, sat in the dark at a laptop wondering what else new there is to do everything  seems to bland.

bland rainy dark and dingy january winter months.

sophia goddess of wisdom image excellent image of the goddess though one could  say:

been watching some eckhart tolle to relieve some of the boredom

found  eckhart tolle to be quite good at relieving  boredom but not a fix though, sat at this computer it can all get very samy so what to do, the internet kind of runs dry after a while, though i would recommend to watch some eckhart tolle if you are also bored and looking for answers.

are we in the end times of the bible 2 california earthquakes 6.4 followed by 7.1 magnitude today and lots of aftershocks

are we in the end times of the bible 2 california earthquakes 6.4 followed by 7.1 magnitude today and  lots of aftershocks, so far californi...