Wednesday 31 January 2018

train for the fun of it not to look like the impossible like we see nowadays

just another pet hate why not train for the fun of it, and not with the idea of looking like the impossible like we see with how some people manage  to get themselves to look, but really what do they do to get to that kind  of look, so i call it the impossible idea or ideal,if  you have others looks in mind.

better just to train for the  fun of it and in  moderation, going to the  gym can be a lot of fun or some fun at least and that is the best goal to have in mind not other goals that are impossible to reach and only end up leaving oneself disappointed in the long run.

let's  be  realistic this is not possible, they use all kind of tricks to look this  way, train for fun not for  trying to look the impossible.

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