Wednesday 31 January 2018

if your wondering what is bitcoin and cryptocurrency guess what i am too

i am not interested in bitcoin and cryptocurrency feels too risky, don't have money to play around with either, lot of rich people  have money to play around with and can put money into those kinds of things, for me i can't.

and this is not a blog about that either, its just more strain on the membranes, to even look into, all that kind of thing i just don't have the patience or membranes for any of it, so why worry about it, another thing to the memory dustbin for me.

well if  your rich  and have money to play around with you might want to do those kind of things for me, i will take the easy option and not even work it out, i would rather complain about all these things then try and work them out anymore.

not rich just bored, because you need money not to be bored and i dont really have any so i am stuck being bored for the time being and complaining on this blog when i can for stress relief, get a blog and vent your frustrations now there is a idea, and you might even get some readers if you do 1000's of posts and spend  all your life sat at a laptop  typing away, at least your hands get some exercise i guess.

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