Wednesday, 31 October 2018
a angel of the lord was by her bed with rainbow wings about 12 foot high and wore a white garment behind to the left of the angel was jesus jesus smiled at her and the angel said come and see the glory of god immediately she was out of her room and standing outside the gates of heaven the gates were a mile high all kind of lights came from the gates 2 angels were outside the gates they had gold hair they brought out a book of her life it had her name on it
a angel of the lord was by her bed with rainbow wings about 12 foot high and wore a white garment behind to the left of the angel was jesus jesus smiled at her and the angel said come and see the glory of god immediately she was out of her room and standing outside the gates of heaven the gates were a mile high all kind of lights came from the gates 2 angels were outside the gates they had gold hair they brought out a book of her life it had her name on it. christian testimony.
Christian testimonies do you have jesus in your life
Christian testimonies do you have jesus in your life
Friday, 26 October 2018
Wiccan Music - I Hear You Calling, This is a song from a Wiccan band called Chalice and Blade
Wiccan Music - I Hear You Calling, This is a song from a Wiccan band called Chalice and Blade.
Thursday, 25 October 2018
tips on dating The only dating advice you'll ever need Anna Akana
tips on dating The only dating advice you'll ever need Anna Akana
Wednesday, 24 October 2018
Artist: Wendy Rule Album: Deity song Think Of The Day, check it out
Artist: Wendy Rule Album: Deity song Think Of The Day, check it out
Friday, 5 October 2018
chill out version of the beatles classics songs Tracklist 1.1 And I Love Her 1.2 All You Need Is Love 1.3 Strawberry Fields Forever 1.4 Norwegian Wood 1.5 Hey Jude 1.6 The Long And Winding Road 1.7 Something 1.8 You’ve Got To Hide Your Love Away 1.9 Here Come The Sun 1.10 With A Little Help From My Friends 1.11 The Fool On The Hill 1.12 A Day In The Life 1.13 Within You Without You 1.14 In My Life 1.15 When I’m Sixty – Four 2.1 Across The Universe 2.2 Eleanor Rigby 2.3 Yesterday 2.4 Ticket To Ride 2.5 Let It Be 2.6 Michelle 2.7 Penny Lane 2.8 I’ll Be Back 2.9 From Me To You 2.10 It’s Only Love 2.11 Maybe I’m Amazed 2.12 Here There And Everywhere 2.13 Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds 2.14 Real Love 2.15 Hapiness Is A Warm Gun
chill out version of the beatles classics songs
1.1 And I Love Her
1.2 All You Need Is Love
1.3 Strawberry Fields Forever
1.4 Norwegian Wood
1.5 Hey Jude
1.6 The Long And Winding Road
1.7 Something
1.8 You’ve Got To Hide Your Love Away
1.9 Here Come The Sun
1.10 With A Little Help From My Friends
1.11 The Fool On The Hill
1.12 A Day In The Life
1.13 Within You Without You
1.14 In My Life
1.15 When I’m Sixty – Four
2.1 Across The Universe
2.2 Eleanor Rigby
2.3 Yesterday
2.4 Ticket To Ride
2.5 Let It Be
2.6 Michelle
2.7 Penny Lane
2.8 I’ll Be Back
2.9 From Me To You
2.10 It’s Only Love
2.11 Maybe I’m Amazed
2.12 Here There And Everywhere
2.13 Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds
2.14 Real Love
2.15 Hapiness Is A Warm Gun
Wednesday, 3 October 2018
Tzen Tze Re Rei - Loli Cosmica (medicina music ayahuasca) And this is where I want to be with you RE RE re re. From your eyes come the colors of the universe we ask for everything and those colors are the food for the existence that we are all TZEN TZE RE RE re re x2 from your voice come the sounds of the universe that we hear everything and those sounds are the food for the existence that we are all. TZEN TZE RE. from your hands come the caresses of the universe that we all feel and that caresses are the food for the existence that we are all. TZEN TZE RE and it is here that where you want to be with you. RE RE re.
Tzen Tze Re Rei - Loli Cosmica (medicina music ayahuasca) And this is where I want to be with you RE RE re re. From your eyes come the colors of the universe we ask for everything and those colors are the food for the existence that we are all TZEN TZE RE RE re re x2 from your voice come the sounds of the universe that we hear everything and those sounds are the food for the existence that we are all. TZEN TZE RE. from your hands come the caresses of the universe that we all feel and that caresses are the food for the existence that we are all. TZEN TZE RE and it is here that where you want to be with you. RE RE re.
Tuesday, 2 October 2018
Monday, 1 October 2018
alaska gets a lot of earthquakes between magnitude 2 and 3+ but not much higher on magnitude
alaska gets a lot of earthquakes between magnitude 2 and 3+ but not much higher on magnitude, if you follow the usgs each day you will notice just how active alaska is, some say alaska is more active then ever in recent years, some also say online who follow earthquakes regularly that earthquakes this year have been more active then usual, i think that we might be in the end times as spoken/written about in the christian bible, only thing is time will tell, hope to be raptured, as rapture is a main part of the bible where good christians are raptured out of there bodies and do not thus have to go through tribulations.
california is relatively quiet with earthquakes just been a M 3.5 - 4km ENE of Calimesa, CA Depth 16.7 km
california is relatively quiet with earthquakes just been a M 3.5 - 4km ENE of Calimesa, CA Depth 16.7 km, not many though go over that kind of magnitude though, and things have quieted down earthquake wise since the 7.5 magnitude in palu indonesia which caused a tsunami, will keep this blog updated if there are any more big earthquakes, things seem to go quiet then there is a big earthquake or series of big earthquakes happen, that is what happened prior to the 7.5 in indonesia, things were relatively quiet on the earthquake survey map, or usgs united states geological survey map.
Wonder Girl New 52 Tribute another good youtube comic book video with Red Hot Chili Peppers - C'mon Girl soundtrack which works really well on this video
Wonder Girl New 52 Tribute another good youtube comic book video with Red Hot Chili Peppers - C'mon Girl soundtrack which works really well on this video.
larry wheels channel bodybuilder/powerlifter breaking all kinds of weight lifting records
larry wheels channel bodybuilder/powerlifter breaking all kinds of weight lifting records, if you have not seen this youtube channel this bodybuilder and powerlifter is breaking lifting records practically every week, well worth watching and following if you are into exercise and fitness.
the beginning of the beginning = awareness christian end times bible codes and matrix like structure to reality is reality like a living matrix? does the bible really have those kind of meanings built in to it codes and other meanings to what is being expressed or said in the bible verses?.
the beginning of the beginning = awareness christian end times bible codes and matrix like structure to reality is reality like a living matrix? does the bible really have those kind of meanings built in to it codes and other meanings to what is being expressed or said in the bible verses?.
So what was in the beginning before any Universes etc?
Answer..... "Awareness".
Without Awareness Nothing would or could exist, as existence is a Function of being "Aware".
Nothing at all like anything "Material" was involved before any Universes existed!
Only a world of "Concepts" was present, in a Non Dimensional Environment
where NO Energy or for that matter any other Components, involving human like existence or thoughts.
The "Awakening" involved the birth of "Awareness", or. for Awareness to come about.
So what was in the beginning before any Universes etc?
Answer..... "Awareness".
Without Awareness Nothing would or could exist, as existence is a Function of being "Aware".
Nothing at all like anything "Material" was involved before any Universes existed!
Only a world of "Concepts" was present, in a Non Dimensional Environment
where NO Energy or for that matter any other Components, involving human like existence or thoughts.
The "Awakening" involved the birth of "Awareness", or. for Awareness to come about.
What happened in the "Awakening" then?
No matter what we consider, whether it be only "Conceptual" or Not, we find that everything
has its "Opposite"?
Up /Down, In/Out, Black/White, Large/small, etc., even human emotions and feelings have their "Opposites".
If we consider just a 2D Plane;
The fact we can observe a Near "Face" it also has a Rear "Face", even if the "Plane"
has Zero thickness ! (The "Opposites" being found once again.)
has Zero thickness ! (The "Opposites" being found once again.)
If "Nothing" existed then Something would have to exist, but What ?
Nothing is "Something" whether we like the Idea or Not !
If "Nothing" were to exist, it is, Something which of Course in Nothing !
Insane ?
Not really.
We sometimes refer to "Something" Containing Nothing...
Take for example a simple "Circle"
It comprises of the following Components.
a. The line work forming the Circle which is the "Outer" Component of a "Plane" (Disc)
b. The "Inner" which is Void i.e. Containing Nothing.
c. The Center which is Non-Dimensional and can be said to be Nothing Yet it still exists.
The Line work also has in itself 3 "Components".
a. Its "Outer" (Perimeter i.e. its "Outer" Edge of the Line Work.)
b. Its "Inner" Diam (Edge of the Line Work.)
c. The Contents in this case, what appears as the line work.
So IF "Nothing" existed, and "Nothing" is Something, then an "Astable Condition"
would exist in this, Nothing/Something, between the same entity, being both "Nothing"
and "Something".
would exist in this, Nothing/Something, between the same entity, being both "Nothing"
and "Something".
The Circuit in this case, would be the Contents between the "Opposites".
So an "Oscillation" would be present, between these 2 ("Opposites")
This produces the first of the base Movements, "To & Fro".
As there was NO existence of Dimension involved at this Point, then the action of "To & Fro"
between these 2 ("Opposites") could only exist as though "Conceptual".
between these 2 ("Opposites") could only exist as though "Conceptual".
But this "To & Fro" Oscillation between the 2, produced a Concept of Length which can
NOT be measured, as Measuring anything involves comparing 2 Different lengths, where one
of them is a fixed or used as a standard. In other words Measurement involves the comparing
of 2 or more lengths if referring to the measurement of distance.
Even if we can do this it is really only relevant within say a universe and does NOT establish
anything of relevance concerning what size is based on except a Conceptual "Outward" Dimension.
NOT be measured, as Measuring anything involves comparing 2 Different lengths, where one
of them is a fixed or used as a standard. In other words Measurement involves the comparing
of 2 or more lengths if referring to the measurement of distance.
Even if we can do this it is really only relevant within say a universe and does NOT establish
anything of relevance concerning what size is based on except a Conceptual "Outward" Dimension.
So regarding distance involved in the first Movement would be irrelevant.
This "To & Fro" action would only appear as a "Concept" contained between the 2. ("Opposites")
Its Components would be.
a. One end of the Oscillation
b. The other End of the Oscillation
c. The Action taking place between the 2 Ends (Something/Nothing)
The "Awareness" comes out of the 3 "Components", producing the environment, (Non Dimensional)
involving this "Astable Condition".
Definition of the word Astable.
astable; in which the circuit is not stable in either state —it continually switches from one state to the other.
It does not require an input such as a clock pulse.
"Awareness" has its "Opposites" too.
a. Movement
b. Repose (That which is said to be Static)
It is when Movement became Static "Awareness" was born or came into being.
Because both States (Nothing and Something) had been exposed, when "Movement"
became "static" at one end, it was "Aware" of its Opposite end, and when both ends
we recalled together, the 3rd State i.e. the "Contents" experience itself, as this tendered
toward the "Astable Condition" which restarted the "Oscillation" again between
the knowledge of "Something" & "Nothing".
became "static" at one end, it was "Aware" of its Opposite end, and when both ends
we recalled together, the 3rd State i.e. the "Contents" experience itself, as this tendered
toward the "Astable Condition" which restarted the "Oscillation" again between
the knowledge of "Something" & "Nothing".
It is the "Astable Condition" (Oscillation) which introduced the discovery of the 1st "Concept",
"To & Fro" (interpreted Conceptually, as the forming of a straight line)
In My next Post I will introduce the Forming of the 2nd "Conceptual Movement";
The Rotation of the "Oscillation" or "To & Fro".
The Rotation of the "Oscillation" or "To & Fro".

the bible codes and christian end times earthquake/tsunami warnings for new zealand by the matrix traveller
the bible codes and christian end times earthquake/tsunami warnings for new zealand by the matrix traveller.
Does anyone know about this ?
"Huge 'Ocean' Discovered Inside Earth"
Through "Remote Viewing" I have seen the relocation of the seas.
I understand this has happened many times on Earth in the past, where the seas relocate
from under the Earth's Crust to above the Earth's Crust then back again, caused by the never ending cycles,
driven by the "thermodynamics" of the Earth's interior.
Could what Scientists have discovered, be proof pointing toward this phenomena ?
And has this also Happened on Mars also, in the Past ?
Has the water that was once on the surface of Mars, now exist under the surface of Mars ?
And does this happen on other planets and on some moons esp. those around Jupiter and Saturn ?
Now consider the Temperature Differential in the Earth.
The Voltage differential is determined by the Temperature of the Earth's core, and atmospheric temperature
above the earths crust.
So Not sure what will happen on drilling through the Earth's crust, I guess time will tell.
It's Not looking good is it Sky ?
I think what is about to take place, involves the Earths way of "Recycling"..
Hence the relocation of the Seas, to under the crust again.
(perhaps like before the great flood if it happened)
And then later the seas reappearing above the earth's crust one again.
(perhaps like what happened in "the great flood" if it happened)
The Ancient writings tell that the Fountains of the Earth were Closed after the Event !
So I presume they were Opened before the Flood.
(If the Waters were ejected Skyward from these Trenches, then it would naturally fall as Rain !)
It's a bit like taking out the Garbage in some ways....
All is taken inside the earth to be rendered down again.
I just wonder how many times this has happened, over the millions of years ?
I know all this may sound a little weird to many, and perhaps a little crazy, but I am looking into it,
to see if it is at all possible what is going on, and about to happen in the future.
This cycle appears to be driven by the temperature differential through the earth's crust.
Basically we have two different sources of energy;
a. Incoming energy from the Sun
b. Energy generated within the Earth.
The temperature differential is constantly changing, between these two sources of Energy.
To understand the behaviour of our earth's crust involving Oceanic trenches, it must be understood
that the following descriptions regarding Trenches is purely Scientific theory;
For those interested in ancient writings and the possibilities of such phenomena having been reported
in biblical writings.
Here is some indication regarding this phenomena in history in the form of ancient writings.
Although many have tried to make a religion out of such writings does NOT mean theyb are in fact religious writings.
I view such writings as ONLY historical writings written by those who awoke toyhis in one way or other.
So 1st we can find possible references to such events in the Books of ENOCH.
The Book of E’NOCH I-XXXVI Chapter 1 verses 5 to 8
The Watchers refer to the partitions of LIFE experiencing this Program (Earth & Universe)
NOT to be confused with Angels or even Aliens etc.
Sounds like an Earthquake causing subsidence to me...
"Rent in Sunder", sounds like that Trench/s opening to me !
So this according to these writings would take place Quote;
We can find similar descriptions in the Book of the Prophet ISAIAH (O.T.) Chapter 24 Quote;
Put aside any religious thoughts and just see the writings for what is plainly written !
The Earth's Inversion ? Which I also say through "Remote Viewing".
I saw the Sun come out of the West !
See the books of E'NOCH re. where I have quoted from the Books of E'NOCH in the above text.
And in The Revelation of Jesus Christ in Chapter 12 verse 15 and 16 Quote;
I saw a huge amount of water racing across the pacific ocean in both directions. and sweeping over entire continents.
Sounds very much like the waters retracting and going down through those trenches to me !
In “The Gospel According to LUKE” Chapter 21 verse 11 Quote;
Such as seeing the Souls “Processing System” and its workings ? (From Heaven)
And in verses 25 and 26 Quote;
Again the above refers to very rough seas !
And in the “The First Book of Moses called Genesis” Chapter 7 Verses 11 and 12 Quote;
And again in Chapter 8 verse 2 and 3 the fountains are mentioned again. Quote;
Could these “Fountains” have been the “Oceanic Ridges” ?
I think so !
So yes, biblically speaking there does appear to be record of these evens both from the Past and to take place in the future.
The great flood does appear to be describing water shooting up from the Ridges (Referred to as the “Fountains of the Deep”) into the atmosphere and coming down as rain to flood the Earth
and receding a little, to leave Oceans present on the Earth.
And in the Book of E'NOCH referring to the Earth being Quote;
So what are the chances Global warming etc. is indeed leading up to these events mentioned in the Books
of E'NOCH and in the N.T. writings ?
Very high in my opinion even though I am NOT a religious person following the Roman interpretation
of the writings or the churches of humans.
Does anyone know about this ?
"Huge 'Ocean' Discovered Inside Earth"
Scientists probing the Earth's interior have found a large reservoir of water equal to the volume
of the Arctic Ocean beneath eastern Asia.
The left figure is a slice through the Earth, taken from the figure on the right, showing the attenuation anomalies
within the mantle at a depth of roughly 620 miles.
In both images, red shows unusually soft and weak rock believed to be saturated with water,
and the blue shows unusually stiff rock (yellow and white show near-average values).
Credit: Eric Chou
Through "Remote Viewing" I have seen the relocation of the seas.
I understand this has happened many times on Earth in the past, where the seas relocate
from under the Earth's Crust to above the Earth's Crust then back again, caused by the never ending cycles,
driven by the "thermodynamics" of the Earth's interior.
Could what Scientists have discovered, be proof pointing toward this phenomena ?
And has this also Happened on Mars also, in the Past ?
Has the water that was once on the surface of Mars, now exist under the surface of Mars ?
And does this happen on other planets and on some moons esp. those around Jupiter and Saturn ?
Now consider the Temperature Differential in the Earth.
The Voltage differential is determined by the Temperature of the Earth's core, and atmospheric temperature
above the earths crust.
So Not sure what will happen on drilling through the Earth's crust, I guess time will tell.
It's Not looking good is it Sky ?
I think what is about to take place, involves the Earths way of "Recycling"..
Hence the relocation of the Seas, to under the crust again.
(perhaps like before the great flood if it happened)
And then later the seas reappearing above the earth's crust one again.
(perhaps like what happened in "the great flood" if it happened)
The Ancient writings tell that the Fountains of the Earth were Closed after the Event !
So I presume they were Opened before the Flood.
(If the Waters were ejected Skyward from these Trenches, then it would naturally fall as Rain !)
It's a bit like taking out the Garbage in some ways....
All is taken inside the earth to be rendered down again.
I just wonder how many times this has happened, over the millions of years ?
I know all this may sound a little weird to many, and perhaps a little crazy, but I am looking into it,
to see if it is at all possible what is going on, and about to happen in the future.
This cycle appears to be driven by the temperature differential through the earth's crust.
Basically we have two different sources of energy;
a. Incoming energy from the Sun
b. Energy generated within the Earth.
The temperature differential is constantly changing, between these two sources of Energy.
To understand the behaviour of our earth's crust involving Oceanic trenches, it must be understood
that the following descriptions regarding Trenches is purely Scientific theory;
For those interested in ancient writings and the possibilities of such phenomena having been reported
in biblical writings.
Here is some indication regarding this phenomena in history in the form of ancient writings.
Although many have tried to make a religion out of such writings does NOT mean theyb are in fact religious writings.
I view such writings as ONLY historical writings written by those who awoke toyhis in one way or other.
So 1st we can find possible references to such events in the Books of ENOCH.
The Book of E’NOCH I-XXXVI Chapter 1 verses 5 to 8
05. And all shall be smitten with fear, And the watchers shall quake,
The Watchers refer to the partitions of LIFE experiencing this Program (Earth & Universe)
NOT to be confused with Angels or even Aliens etc.
And great fear and trembling shall seize them unto the ends of the Earth.
06. And the high mountains shall be shaken, And the high hills shall be made low,
And shall melt like wax before the flame,
Sounds like an Earthquake causing subsidence to me...
07. And the Earth shall wholly rent in sunder,
And all that is upon the Earth shall perish,
"Rent in Sunder", sounds like that Trench/s opening to me !
And there shall be a judgement upon all men.
08. But with the righteous He will make peace, and will protect the elect,
and mercy shall be upon them. And they shall all belong to GOD, And they shall be prospered,
and they shall all be blessed. And HE will help them all, and LIGHT shall appear unto them,
and He will make peace with them.
So this according to these writings would take place Quote;
2. ................ I heard everything, and from them I understood as I saw,
but not for this generation, but for a remote one which is for to come.
We can find similar descriptions in the Book of the Prophet ISAIAH (O.T.) Chapter 24 Quote;
Put aside any religious thoughts and just see the writings for what is plainly written !
1. Behold, the LORD maketh the earth empty, and maketh it waste,
and turneth it upside down, and scattereth abroad the inhabitants thereof.
The Earth's Inversion ? Which I also say through "Remote Viewing".
I saw the Sun come out of the West !
2. And it shall be, as with the people, so with the priest; as with the servant,
so with his master; as with the maid, so with her mistress; as with the buyer, so with the seller;
as with the lender, so with the borrower; as with the taker of usury, so with the giver of usury to him.
3 The land shall be utterly emptied, and utterly spoiled:
for the LORD hath spoken this word.
See the books of E'NOCH re. where I have quoted from the Books of E'NOCH in the above text.
4. The earth mourneth and fadeth away, the world languisheth and fadeth away,
the haughty people of the earth do languish.
5. The earth also is defiled under the inhabitants thereof; because they have transgressed the laws,
changed the ordinance, broken the everlasting covenant.
6. Therefore hath the curse devoured the earth, and they that dwell therein are desolate:
therefore the inhabitants of the earth are burned, and few men left.
7. The new wine mourneth, the vine languisheth, all the merryhearted do sigh.
8 The mirth of tabrets ceaseth, the noise of them that rejoice endeth, the joy of the harp ceaseth.
9. They shall not drink wine with a song; strong drink shall be bitter to them that drink it.
10. The city of confusion is broken down: every house is shut up, that no man may come in.
11. There is a crying for wine in the streets; all joy is darkened, the mirth of the land is gone.
12. In the city is left desolation, and the gate is smitten with destruction.
13. When thus it shall be in the midst of the land among the people, there shall be
as the shaking of an olive tree, and as the gleaning grapes when the vintage is done.
14. They shall lift up their voice, they shall sing for the majesty of the LORD,
they shall cry aloud from the sea.
15. Wherefore glorify ye the LORD in the fires, even the name of the LORD God of Israel
in the isles of the sea.
16. From the uttermost part of the earth have we heard songs, even glory to the righteous.
But I said, My leanness, my leanness, woe unto me! the treacherous dealers have dealt treacherously;
yea, the treacherous dealers have dealt very treacherously.
17. Fear, and the pit, and the snare, are upon thee, O inhabitant of the earth.
18. And it shall come to pass, that he who fleeth from the noise of the fear
shall fall into the pit; and he that cometh up out of the midst of the pit shall be taken
in the snare: for the windows from on high are open, and the foundations of the earth do shake.
19. The earth is utterly broken down, the earth is clean dissolved,
the earth is moved exceedingly.
20. The earth shall reel to and fro like a drunkard, and shall be removed like a cottage;
and the transgression thereof shall be heavy upon it; and it shall fall, and not rise again.
21. And it shall come to pass in that day, that the LORD shall punish the host
of the high ones that are on high, and the kings of the earth upon the earth.
22. And they shall be gathered together, as prisoners are gathered in the pit,
and shall be shut up in the prison, and after many days shall they be visited.
23. Then the moon shall be confounded, and the sun ashamed, when the LORD of hosts
shall reign in mount Zion, and in Jerusalem, and before his ancients gloriously.
And in The Revelation of Jesus Christ in Chapter 12 verse 15 and 16 Quote;
15. And the serpent cast out of his mouth water as a flood after the woman,
that he might cause her to be carried away of the flood.
I saw a huge amount of water racing across the pacific ocean in both directions. and sweeping over entire continents.
16 And the earth helped the woman, and the earth opened her mouth,
and swallowed up the flood which the dragon cast out of his mouth.
Sounds very much like the waters retracting and going down through those trenches to me !
In “The Gospel According to LUKE” Chapter 21 verse 11 Quote;
11. And great earthquakes shall be in divers places, and famines, and pestilences;
and fearful sights and great signs shall there be from heaven.
Such as seeing the Souls “Processing System” and its workings ? (From Heaven)
And in verses 25 and 26 Quote;
25. And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars;
and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring;
26. Men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming
on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken.
Again the above refers to very rough seas !
And in the “The First Book of Moses called Genesis” Chapter 7 Verses 11 and 12 Quote;
11. In the six hundredth year of Noah's life, in the second month, the seventeenth day
of the month, the same day were all the fountains of the great deep broken up,
and the windows of heaven were opened.
12. And the rain was upon the earth forty days and forty nights.
And again in Chapter 8 verse 2 and 3 the fountains are mentioned again. Quote;
2. The fountains also of the deep and the windows of heaven were stopped,
and the rain from heaven was restrained;
3. And the waters returned from off the earth continually: and after the end of the hundred and fifty days the waters were abated.
Could these “Fountains” have been the “Oceanic Ridges” ?
I think so !
So yes, biblically speaking there does appear to be record of these evens both from the Past and to take place in the future.
The great flood does appear to be describing water shooting up from the Ridges (Referred to as the “Fountains of the Deep”) into the atmosphere and coming down as rain to flood the Earth
and receding a little, to leave Oceans present on the Earth.
And in the Book of E'NOCH referring to the Earth being Quote;
07. And the Earth shall wholly rent in sunder, And all that is upon the Earth shall perish,
So what are the chances Global warming etc. is indeed leading up to these events mentioned in the Books
of E'NOCH and in the N.T. writings ?
Very high in my opinion even though I am NOT a religious person following the Roman interpretation
of the writings or the churches of humans.
the word GOD as zionic fonts or pictures equals the star of david as image shows below christian end times bible CODES
the word GOD as zionic fonts or pictures equals the star of david as image shows below christian end times bible CODES.
the matrix traveller and the word of GOD zionic Geometric Algorithm proof of GOD christian end times blogging
the matrix traveller and the word of GOD zionic Geometric Algorithm proof of GOD christian end times blogging.
The "Word" G.O.D
What you see in ZIONic is a Geometric Algorithm...
Do you understand the Geometric Algorithm ?????
The "Word" G.O.D
What you see in ZIONic is a Geometric Algorithm...
Do you understand the Geometric Algorithm ?????
continued earthquake and tsunami new zealand warnings for the christian end times of the bible the matrix traveller
continued earthquake and tsunami new zealand warnings for the christian end times of the bible the matrix traveller, warned of there being a swarm of earthquakes in new zealand at the end times as written about in the bible, at the moment the swarm is in indonesia, but this could soon happen to new zealand at any time as well which is earthquake prone.
The Older Trench is Not shown in articles on the Net. I don't really know why..
But it is plain to see where it is and have marked it on this map...

And I do know this is being monitored by scientist.
You can see where the Older Trench passes between the North and South Islands through Cook Strait.
And this is where these Earthquakes are taking place.
The Mountains in the North Islands are vents to the Older Trench.
I Also know our so called Global temperature rise is to so with the Earths natural Thermal Cycles.
I also understand this Activity involving the Earths Pates is nothing new.
From what I now the Seas change their location from time to time from being above the Earths crust
to under the Earths crust and back again in a Cycle which is controlled via thermodynamics.
And that this phenomena takes place on many planets. (Such as Mars)
The Water on Mars did not escape its atmosphere but rather the bulk of its water is under the surface
of Mars at present.
I understand this "changeover" has something to do with recycling or regeneration of the surface
of planets.
The length of any "one cycle" also changes, but I don't pretend to understand it all.
Perhaps what was recorded about Noah's flood involved such an event involving the waters to
come from under the Earths crust via these Trenches to be above the Earth surface as we have today.
I remember that it is recorded biblically that the in The Genesis Ch. 8 verse 2. Quote;
I think you will find that water was shot upward, from the open Trenches into our atmosphere
and came down as rain !
This time though, the Water shall return to under the Earths crust again where it came from
before the "Great Flood".
So I understand that this is NOT the time of the so called "End", but rather the beginningof another 1,000 Years for some, with The SON of MAN, as it tells us in biblical writings
no matter what Version we look at.
But the Son of MAN is NOT human, but instead is a Title given to the Drawing I released above
in this thread, which I refer to as the "Partition Map" of the Souls "Processing System".
If I am Correct, most of what will come out of all this, will be a greater knowledge of our Environment,
as well as our New human form.
I will try and find a map and show the affected areas in Wellington I saw during "Remote Viewing".
It involves Huge "Sink Holes" some Km across and more than a 50 metres deep, perhaps more like
100 metres deep in one of them, which appeared as a result of a very large earth quake...
9.5 came to mind during the event I saw through "Remote Viewing".
Strange thing is.. that the area is on Rock of various types, some very crumbly, other areas like granite
but I am certainly no geologist. I might be able to dig something up though with a little research.
I have now lived with this knowledge for some years and what has happened so far is like a Déjà vu
and has definitely got my attention now.
But NOTE what Z has said in this thread, regarding "Remote Viewing" which I agree with 100% !
So the Event must NOT be seen as a "prediction"... But ONLY something I saw.
I Pray that it doesn't happen, But....... I just feel so helpless in that I can't do anything.... Except Watch !
As I said don't treat this as a prediction.
Here are the approximate, locations and sizes, but I may be being conservative to the undersize
size of what I saw.
The Road tunnel passes between where the sink Holes appeared see map.
I viewed the event from the northern end of the tunnel from one of the flyovers over the motorway.
When I started viewing I thought what a beautiful sunny day it was, then suddenly all hell let loose.
The earthquake started und the ground collapsed in the area of the 1st "Sink Hole",
marked on the map below.
After the 1st tremor, a second larger area involving the down town area and more, collapsed
leaving a 2nd "Sink Hole" and the sea flowed into the 2nd "Sink Hole".
Note the Scale at the bottom left of the map.

I got the impression that there had been a subsidence of the sea floor involving the old "Trench"
and the "Sink Holes" were connected to this event somehow...
After the event many were evacuated out of NZ but I stayed behind and it was many months after this,
the world wide evens took place, involving the relocation of the Seas.
There was much I saw, which took place between these two events, (The Wellington episode
and the relocation of the seas, which I saw take place right across the Earth.
As for myself, I saw everything take place and have also seen the new Earth which is much different
than what you see at present. I have seen it both from the surface of the Earth as well as from space.
There were NO seas, only some lakes scattered around, and NO cities were visible nor any sign of human activity.
Neither was there any sign at all, of the old Earth. The Earth had been transformed.
But hey I saw this through, what others refer to as "Remote Viewing" and fully Conscious throughout.
So like what Z wrote, regarding "Remote Viewing", which I agree with 100%
And I only observe these things and see them for what they are, as what others refer to as
"Remote Viewing".
I got over my own fear of the possibility of it occurring, its just that I don't want to experience
the pain of seeing others suffer once again as I saw through "Remote Viewing".
It was sufficient to get the message, and NOT put trust in my "flesh", but instead
Put all my trust in LIFE.
The Older Trench is Not shown in articles on the Net. I don't really know why..
But it is plain to see where it is and have marked it on this map...
And I do know this is being monitored by scientist.
You can see where the Older Trench passes between the North and South Islands through Cook Strait.
And this is where these Earthquakes are taking place.
The Mountains in the North Islands are vents to the Older Trench.
I Also know our so called Global temperature rise is to so with the Earths natural Thermal Cycles.
I also understand this Activity involving the Earths Pates is nothing new.
From what I now the Seas change their location from time to time from being above the Earths crust
to under the Earths crust and back again in a Cycle which is controlled via thermodynamics.
And that this phenomena takes place on many planets. (Such as Mars)
The Water on Mars did not escape its atmosphere but rather the bulk of its water is under the surface
of Mars at present.
I understand this "changeover" has something to do with recycling or regeneration of the surface
of planets.
The length of any "one cycle" also changes, but I don't pretend to understand it all.
Perhaps what was recorded about Noah's flood involved such an event involving the waters to
come from under the Earths crust via these Trenches to be above the Earth surface as we have today.
I remember that it is recorded biblically that the in The Genesis Ch. 8 verse 2. Quote;
2. The fountains also of the deep
and the windows of heaven were stopped,
and the rain from heaven was restrained;
I think you will find that water was shot upward, from the open Trenches into our atmosphere
and came down as rain !
This time though, the Water shall return to under the Earths crust again where it came from
before the "Great Flood".
So I understand that this is NOT the time of the so called "End", but rather the beginningof another 1,000 Years for some, with The SON of MAN, as it tells us in biblical writings
no matter what Version we look at.
But the Son of MAN is NOT human, but instead is a Title given to the Drawing I released above
in this thread, which I refer to as the "Partition Map" of the Souls "Processing System".
If I am Correct, most of what will come out of all this, will be a greater knowledge of our Environment,
as well as our New human form.
I will try and find a map and show the affected areas in Wellington I saw during "Remote Viewing".
It involves Huge "Sink Holes" some Km across and more than a 50 metres deep, perhaps more like
100 metres deep in one of them, which appeared as a result of a very large earth quake...
9.5 came to mind during the event I saw through "Remote Viewing".
Strange thing is.. that the area is on Rock of various types, some very crumbly, other areas like granite
but I am certainly no geologist. I might be able to dig something up though with a little research.
I have now lived with this knowledge for some years and what has happened so far is like a Déjà vu
and has definitely got my attention now.
But NOTE what Z has said in this thread, regarding "Remote Viewing" which I agree with 100% !
So the Event must NOT be seen as a "prediction"... But ONLY something I saw.
I Pray that it doesn't happen, But....... I just feel so helpless in that I can't do anything.... Except Watch !
As I said don't treat this as a prediction.
Here are the approximate, locations and sizes, but I may be being conservative to the undersize
size of what I saw.
The Road tunnel passes between where the sink Holes appeared see map.
I viewed the event from the northern end of the tunnel from one of the flyovers over the motorway.
When I started viewing I thought what a beautiful sunny day it was, then suddenly all hell let loose.
The earthquake started und the ground collapsed in the area of the 1st "Sink Hole",
marked on the map below.
After the 1st tremor, a second larger area involving the down town area and more, collapsed
leaving a 2nd "Sink Hole" and the sea flowed into the 2nd "Sink Hole".
Note the Scale at the bottom left of the map.
I got the impression that there had been a subsidence of the sea floor involving the old "Trench"
and the "Sink Holes" were connected to this event somehow...
After the event many were evacuated out of NZ but I stayed behind and it was many months after this,
the world wide evens took place, involving the relocation of the Seas.
There was much I saw, which took place between these two events, (The Wellington episode
and the relocation of the seas, which I saw take place right across the Earth.
As for myself, I saw everything take place and have also seen the new Earth which is much different
than what you see at present. I have seen it both from the surface of the Earth as well as from space.
There were NO seas, only some lakes scattered around, and NO cities were visible nor any sign of human activity.
Neither was there any sign at all, of the old Earth. The Earth had been transformed.
But hey I saw this through, what others refer to as "Remote Viewing" and fully Conscious throughout.
So like what Z wrote, regarding "Remote Viewing", which I agree with 100%
And I only observe these things and see them for what they are, as what others refer to as
"Remote Viewing".
I got over my own fear of the possibility of it occurring, its just that I don't want to experience
the pain of seeing others suffer once again as I saw through "Remote Viewing".
It was sufficient to get the message, and NOT put trust in my "flesh", but instead
Put all my trust in LIFE.
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