Wednesday 27 June 2018

alex jones infowars ww4 has begun and the globalists plans for the usa

that  was the  theme  of  the recent alex  jones show, is he being a little  sensationalist though, he does backup what he says  about the globalists plans with  the usa  with  documentation, all the same though i do find his infowars shows interesting, alexjones says  this  one of  his most important broadcast he has ever done or the  most important broadcast he has  done.

hot weather heat wave uk one of the hottest days of the year today

hot weather heat wave uk one of the  hottest days of the  year today at over 30c with temperatures only set to cool down by the weekend, well worth getting out in the sun if you can and enjoying the beautiful sunshine, while it lasts, though there is  said to be more heatwaves on the way this  year, the hotter the better, though a lot of people are complaining  that it is too hot, i think it is better  then being cold.

Tuesday 26 June 2018

where have youtube comments section gone? alex jones to joe rogan speak up

where have youtube comments section gone?, is this  anything to do with what alex jones is talking about in this video about new censorship coming in, says  joe rogan needs to speak up  and others? anyone  know?.

alex jones exposes joe rogan as a shill over george soros

alex jones exposes joe  rogan as a shill over  george soros this is quite a explosive video well worth watching if you are a alex jones fan or joe rogan fan for that matter, where does it all leed with this  conspiracy stuff though is anyones guess some people say alex jones is a shill and controlled opposition, to make conspiracy theory look crazy, though  they are interesting and entertaining to  watch.

alex jones america is in a civil war with leftists and multinational corporations

alex jones america is in a civil war with leftists and multinational corporations, this is all part of the new world order, though you don't here that term as often, alex jones also refers to the conspirators as being globalists, who are trying to crash the american economy to then be able to bring in world government, but according to alex jones, donald trump has slowed this down by improving the american economy.

hawaii volcanic eruption news kilauea

hawaii volcanic eruption news kilauea, though the volcanic eruption is not headline news anymore, or  even for the  last few weeks, as of yesterday there  was more earthquake like eruptions at kilauea, and the lava continues to flow, not really showing any signs of stopping either, this story should still be getting more news coverage imo, as you never know where these types of events  can lead to, mother nature types of events like this are very unpredictable, so i am checking for news each day on the volcano as eruptions keep happening.

are we in the end times of the bible 2 california earthquakes 6.4 followed by 7.1 magnitude today and lots of aftershocks

are we in the end times of the bible 2 california earthquakes 6.4 followed by 7.1 magnitude today and  lots of aftershocks, so far californi...